Frequently Asked Questions

To help us provide the most appropriate answers to your questions, we invite you to ring the clinic and leave your contact details. One of our chiropractors will return your call at the next available time slot. By chatting with you, we have the opportunity to ask important questions which allow us to quickly identify the true nature of your concern and give you the most appropriate answers and advice.

Nevertheless, here is a collection of some common questions asked of us.

Click each question below to read more

  • The first visit will take about half an hour. We will ask you a lot of questions about your presenting problem as well as your general health. Some of these questions may at first seem unrelated to your presenting complaint, but we will have good reason for asking specific questions. You see, aspects of your general health and lifestyle tell us a lot about the conditions of your bones and muscles, and even your blood vessels. We need to know these things to make important decisions about the type of care that will best suit you.

    Then we will examine you, which will involve moving you around to determine the mobility of your joints, and the condition of your muscles, tendons and nerves. We will palpate (feel) the area looking for swelling or changes in the texture of the soft tissues. This information helps us diagnose the problem.

    Upon completion of the history and examination, we will discuss our findings with you and give you a diagnosis. We will then give you recommendations about how the problem may be treated or managed. We may offer a number of different treatment options, and will only proceed with the treatment option with which you are comfortable. Treatment will commence as part of this first visit.

  • We have female practitioners, and use gowns and towels to ensure modesty is respected during the consultation. Our rooms are private, warm and comfortable, and our staff friendly and welcoming.

  • Our decision to x-ray or not is based on sound clinical guidelines. For example, if you are a healthy person who has upset their back bending over to wash the dog, then you would not normally require x-rays. If however, you are frail, perhaps elderly, and you experienced severe back pain after sneezing, it is likely we would require x-rays to assess the integrity of the bones. Generally speaking, most people do not require x-rays, however in each case our decision will be based on specific aspects of the history/examination of the presenting complaint, and the general health of the patient. If we do require x-rays, we refer out to a local radiographic centre where the x-rays are bulk-billed under Medicare.

  • We are ‘Members Choice’ providers for Medibank Private, and ‘Members First’ providers for Bupa. Therefore, if your insurance is with either of these funds, you will receive your maximum possible rebate for chiropractic at our clinic. All other health funds will also pay the maximum entitlement at our facility.

    This means everyone who has private health insurance, will be able to receive the maximum benefit through our facility. The amount will vary depending on your fund and level of cover. Through our Hicaps terminal, you can directly access your rebate, and only pay the gap on the day.

  • Headache/Migraine

    Neck Pain

    Back Pain

    Disc Injuries

    Shoulder Injuries

    Tennis Elbow/Golfer’s Elbow


    Pins and needles and pain of the arms or legs



    Pregnancy/Post Natal Care

    Core Rehabilitation

    Hip/Knee/Ankle pain

    Plantar Fasciitis/ Foot Pain

    Check the Symptoms page for more information on each Condition/Symptom.

  • Check the Treatments page for information.